10 promises a new parent should make to a new born!

Here are few promises that a new parent should make to a new born baby.

Dr. Suman Rao

  1. I will remember you are a child and have a right to enjoy the innocence of childhood; I will not expect you to be a perfect child all the time!
  2. When you speak to me or wish to speak to me, I will put down my phone, tab and laptop! I will ensure that all my calls, e-mails and texts can wait until you have said what you wish to. And I promise I will listen to you and will not be distracted
  3. I will never, never compare you with another child. I realize there will be better mothers / fathers than me.
  4. Although I will be your friend, I will never forget that I am a parent first and bringing you up in the best possible way is my responsibilitypromise to new born
  5. I will always find time – both quality and lot of time – to spend with you.
  6. I will try to recall the child in me and prove to you good company
  7. I will spend a lot of time talking to you
  8. I will never play down your dreams
  9. I will realize your strengths and encourage you achieve your true potential
  10. I will not turn you into a Robot!

Dr Suman Rao, an MBBS, 20 years of practice in family medicine, has won awards for presenting papers on cases and over 5 years of training claims accessors on cases.

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